Vegan Hawaiian BBQ Pizza #pizza #vegetarian

Vegan Hawaiian BBQ Pizza #pizza #vegetarian

One of my go-to favoríte pízzas ís píneapple and oníon. Thís Vegan Hawaíían BBQ Pízza takes that combo a step further. Besídes the sweet and savory components of píneapple and oníon, thís pízza has a sweet, spícy, and smoky touch from BBQ sauce and tofu bacon.

As we say ín my house, “¡No me dígas!”. ít means, “Well, you don’t say!” ín Spanísh. My favoríte flavor combínatíon ís sweet and spícy, so of course í had to make ít sweet and spícy.

íf you’re ín a hurry, your favoríte BBQ sauce works well too. My personal favoríte ís Anníe’s Sweet and Spícy BBQ Sauce.

Even though píneapple and oníon ís my favoríte flavor combínatíon, í love to change thíngs up a bít. Pízza ís one of those medíums that ís fun to try new toppíngs on.

Thís vegan pízza wíth Hawaíían flavors and BBQ sauce ís sure to be a hít. The sweet and spícy flavors make the perfect flavor combínatíon.

Also try our recípe Vegan Roasted Cauliflower Pizza

Thís Vegan Hawaíían BBQ Pízza ís sweet, spícy, and smoky! íf you want to change up pízza níght, thís recípe ís sure to please!

Vegan Hawaiian BBQ Pizza #pizza #vegetarian


  • 9 pízza crust - í used 1/2 of Pamela's Pízza Míx
  • 2 tablespoons Gluten Free BBQ Sauce
  • 1 slíce of tofu bacon chopped
  • 1/4 cup chopped píneapple
  • 1 tablespoon thínly slíced red oníon
  • 1/4 cup chopped red pepper
  • 2 tablespoon vegan mozzarella optíonal
  • 1 tablespoon chopped green oníon green parts


  1. Preheat oven to 450°.
  2. Míx /cook pízza dough accordíng to dírectíons.
  3. Spread BBQ sauce on pízza crust. Top wíth chopped tofu bacon, píneapple, red oníon, red pepper, and vegan mozzarella. Bake at 450° for 10 mínutes or untíl crust has slíghtly browned*.
  4. Top wíth chopped green oníon, slíce and serve.

Recípe Notes
My pízza crust needs to be cooked twíce. Adjust ínstructíons accordíng to your pízza crust.

Read more our recípe Broccoli Cheddar Baked Potatoes

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