Caramel Apple Slices #apple #dessert

Caramel Apple Slices #apple #dessert

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My motivation for these caramel apple pops was from an image of a sprinkle and chocolate secured apple cut, yet when I navigated it demonstrated a treat apple formula and the image was mysteriously absent in the article.

I didn't much try taking a gander at the formula, I was really resentful about the double dealing.

So I chose to fix the circumstance by doing some caramel apple cut testing and I was resolved to think of an answer that would make eating caramel apples so a lot simpler.

Caramel Apple Slices #apple #dessert

Also try our recipe : Unicorn Pretzels #dessert #cake


  • Apples
  • White or Wooden Lollipop Sticks
  • Melting Chocolate (*1)
  • Caramel
  • Toppings – optional


  1. First, wash & slice your apples, remove the seeds, insert the stick at the bottom, & pat the apple slices dry.
  2. Cover each apple slice in melted chocolate & place on a piece of wax paper to harden. Continue this process until all of your apples are covered in chocolate & have hardened.
  3. Next, drizzle the caramel & other toppings on top of your apple slices.
  4. Let harden & enjoy! (*2)

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