No-Carb Cloud Bread with Only 4 Ingredients #healthy #keto

No-Carb Cloud Bread with Only 4 Ingredients #healthy #keto

Are you thinking what the hell is Cloud Bread ? Bread with no carbs? With the name like this you certainly need to try it out. Try not to sit tight for such a long time, since this Cloud Bread is so delicate, vaporous, cushioned and for all intents and purposes dissolves in your mouth. It is extremely flavorful home-made bread substitution that is for all intents and purposes without carb, sans gluten and high in protein.

Children truly cherishing it as well! They are so tricked reasoning it is a genuine bread. In any case, I don't generally make it for them. I began making it for myself since I'm on no-sugar, no-carb eating journey right now. This recipe is making it simple not to ache for bread. It very well may be devoured in an assortment of ways, for example, burger buns, hot or cold sandwich.

My preferred method to make the most of my cloud bread is to put a cut of tomato and softened mozzarella on top or with a bit of smoked salmon and cream cheddar or with mushed avocados and tomatoes on top. The conceivable outcomes for this high-esteem tidbit are unending.


No-Carb Cloud Bread with Only 4 Ingredients #healthy #keto

In light of my examination, individuals love simple and sound recipe that don't require a huge amount of fixings. Try this one.


  • 3 eggs, separated
  • 3 Tablespoons cream cheese (Room temp)
  • ¼ teaspoon baking powder
  • Optional: 1 Tablespoon Honey or some natural sweetener, salt, garlic powder, rosemary


  1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit (150 degrees Celsius)
  2. Separate the eggs, there must be no yolk in the white.
  3. In one bowl, mix together the egg yolks, cream cheese and honey until smooth.
  4. In the second bowl add ¼ teaspoon of baking powder to the whites and beat the whites with the hand mixer on high speed until they are fluffy, form a nice peaks and hold their peaks. It should look something like this: (see photos above)
  5. Slowly fold the egg yolk mixture into the egg whites and mix carefully, you don’t want to break the fluffiness of the egg whites too much.
  6. Do the following as quickly as possible or the mixture may start melting – Spoon the mixture into 10-12 even rounds onto lightly greased baking sheet, sprinkle with rosemary or your favorite spices and put it in the oven.
  7. Bake for 18-20 minutes on the middle rack. Then broil (cook the top) for 1 minute or a minute and a half and watch it until they become nice and golden brown. At this point make sure you watch them so they don’t burn
  8. Remove from the oven and let cool and enjoy!

Read more our recipe : Super Creamy Vegan One Pot Pasta

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